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This is the most expensive metal in the world.

Gold, silver, bronze? None of this, the most precious metal in the world is not in this "classic" trio: the primacy belongs to an element of which very little is spoken and which is certainly not really so well known. We are talking about rhodium, atomic number 45, and symbol Rh: its whitish color makes it very similar to silver in appearance.

To what do we owe this "supremacy"? Both the price and the rarity have made the difference compared to more famous metals, but we must not forget that the peculiar characteristics have allowed rhodium to progressively climb the ranking. It is worth briefly remembering what its history is and above all its evolution.

When rhodium was discovered?
The discovery of rhodium dates back to 1803: the English chemist William Hyde Wollaston, the first to identify another important metal such as palladium, realized that he was dealing with something new thanks to the raw mineral of platinum. After dissolving this same mineral in aqua regia, he added ammonium chloride before isolating rhodium in metallic form through a reduction of hydrogen to the gaseous state. Currently, the comparison with gold does not hold up at all in economic terms. The 50.74 euros per gram are in fact nothing compared to the almost 500 euros of rhodium.
In addition, rhodium is a noble metal because it does not react easily to oxygen and for this reason, it can be used as a catalyst. It should not be forgotten that it is an element capable of resisting oxidation and even corrosion. Among other things, the melting point is nothing short of high, about 2 thousand degrees Celsius to be precise. Nowadays it is successfully used in cars, airplanes, and even electrical contacts. Then there is the detail of rarity that certainly cannot be overlooked. Here, too, the numbers speak for themselves.

Rhodium rarity and annual production
Rhodium is found in 0.000037 parts per million in the Earth's crust, unlike gold which is present in 0.0013 parts per million. These are the figures provided by the Royal Society of Chemistry, therefore more reliable than ever. Basically, there are two nations that can boast the main production, namely Russia and South Africa. Every year 16 tons are produced, while the reserves are undoubtedly greater, specifically 3 thousand tons. Beautiful, rare, unique: nothing is really missing from this metal, but the request does not come from people looking for something precious.
According to what was ascertained a few years ago, the vast majority of demand (90%) refers to the automotive catalytic converter industry, more precisely the sectors that deal with the production of catalytic converters. However, there is no shortage of alternative uses. For example, in jewelry, it is not uncommon to exploit it by galvanizing (a zinc coating is applied to avoid corrosion). In this way, the white gold manages to achieve its typical brilliance, as well as giving better plastination of the decorations. It may never reach the notoriety of gold, but rhodium is certainly destined to remain at the top of the list of the most precious metals for a long time.

How to get YouTube Premium on Indian Gmail Account.

Note: - This trick work only for new PayTM users.

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